Atlas  Baalah (Beersheba) and surrounding region Maps Created using Biblemapper 3.0Additional data from
You are free to use up to 50 Biblos coprighted maps (small or large) for your website or presentation. Please credit Occurrences Joshua 15:29 Baalah, Iim, Ezem, Encyclopedia BAALAHba'-a-la ba`alah; ("possessor," "mistress "): Three occurrences of this name:
(1) = KIRIATH-JEARIM (which see) (Joshua 15:9, 10 1 Chronicles 13:6).
(2) A city in the Negeb of Judah (Joshua 15:29). In Joshua 19:3 Balah and in 1 Chronicles 4:29 Bilhah; perhaps also Boaloth of Joshua 15:24. The site is unknown; but see PEF, III, 26.
(3) Mount Baalah (Joshua 15:11), a mountain ridge between Shikkeron (Ekron) and Jabnoel unless, as seems probable, the suggestion of M. Clermont-Ganneau (Rev. Crit, 1897, 902) is correct that for har (= "mount"), we should read nahar ("river"). In this case the border in question would be the Nahr rubin. Here there is an annual feast held-attended by all classes and famous all over Syria-which appears to be a real survival of "Baal worship."
E. W. G. Masterman Strong's Hebrew H1173: Baalahthe name of several places in Isr. |